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Waterloo hardcore act Hardship wreaked havoc on local living rooms


Updated: Apr 14, 2020

WATERLOO, IA – Hardship played to a silent crowd earlier tonight at 6:00 p.m. Spicoli’s Reverb, a local music venue in Waterloo, Iowa, was empty with the exception of the venue’s owner, the four members of Hardship and the sound guy. The audience members were at their homes, watching the concert on their electronic devices.

Hardship’s Facebook livestream of their show portrayed them on a stage at Spicoli’s Reverb. The sound was done as if it were a real show, and the venue’s lights went crazy in the background. For those watching at home, it was like being at the real thing. While the band did not have any audience present, they did request that viewers “start moshing in their living room.” At the show’s peak, the viewership reached 81 unique individuals.

“It’s weird not hearing people cheer after that,” commented Danny Shea, Hardship’s vocalist, after ending a song during their set. And it was odd, as the songs ended in silence, peoples’ reactions limited to those provided by Facebook.

While the band’s sound is heavy and angry, the message is of peace and unity, topics that need to be spread in the midst of a pandemic and mass panic. After a show just shy of 30 minutes, the band left the stage, and the livestream ended.

“We’re going to get all of our stuff on stage, get off stage and go outside,” said Shea before the event started. “The sound guy’s going to come in and mic everything up and wipe everything down. Then we’re going to come in after he’s at the board and check everything. Then we’ll do a quick check with the camera and go from there.”

The band used a phone to record the concert.

Hardship had merchandise outside the event. Most of the merchandise was brand new, but other items were older. Spicoli’s Reverb was also doing takeout, offering $10 wings and grunge baskets.

It is uncertain whether or not Hardship will do more of these concerts or if Spicoli’s will host any in the future.


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